銆€銆€1. 鍚嶈鍚庣洞 -ation; tion; sion
銆€銆€2. 鍕曡鍚庣洞 -ize
銆€銆€3. 鍚嶈鍚庣洞 -ence
銆€銆€4. 鍚嶈鍚庣洞 -ity
銆€銆€1. Psychological research has focused on a number of basic principles that helps memory.
銆€銆€research 鍦ㄦ湰鍙ヤ腑鍋氬悕瑭烇紝閫欏€嬭涔熷彲浠ュ仛鍕曡鐢�銆傝珛鐪嬩笅闈㈢殑渚嬪彞锛屾敞鎰弐esearch鐨勮椤炲拰鐢ㄦ硶锛�
銆€銆€1) An excellent piece of research won him the international prize.(涓€闋呭嚭鑹茬殑鐮旂┒浣夸粬鐛插緱浜嗗湅闅涘ぇ鐛�銆�)
銆€銆€2) Research shows that the potential of man's brain is limitless.(鐮旂┒琛ㄦ槑浜鸿叇鐨勬經鍔涙槸鐒¢檺鐨�銆�)
銆€銆€3) Much research has been done on / into diseases of blood.(鍦ㄨ娑茬梾鏂归潰浜哄€戝仛浜嗗緢澶氱殑鐮旂┒銆�)
銆€銆€4) Scientists have been researching on / into the causes of brain damage.(绉戝(xu茅)瀹跺€戜竴鐩村皪鑵︽悕鍌风殑璧峰洜閫茶鐮旂┒銆�)
銆€銆€5) They felt very much disappointed as they had been researching for three years but with no result.(鍋氫簡涓夊勾鐨勭爺绌惰€屾矑鏈変换浣曠祼(ji茅)鏋�锛屼粬鍊戞劅鍒板緢澶辨湜銆�)
銆€銆€focus on 鏄竴鍊嬪父鐢ㄨ绲�锛屾剰鎬濇槸鈥滈泦涓€濓紝鍦ㄧ敓瑭為儴鍒嗗凡浣滀簡杓冪偤瑭崇窗(x矛)鐨勮瑳瑙�锛屽湪姝わ紝璜嬬炕璀咕鍊嬪彞瀛愶細
銆€銆€1) 浠栦粖澶╂簴(zh菙n)鏄疮浜�锛屼粬鐒℃硶鎶婃敞鎰忓姏闆嗕腑鍦ㄥ伐浣滀笂銆�(He must be very tired today锛� he just couldn't focus his attention to his work.)
銆€銆€2) 濂硅寰楀緢涓嶈嚜鍦紝鍥犵偤鎵€鏈夌殑鐩厜閮芥敞瑕栬憲濂�銆�(She felt very uneasy as all eyes were focused on her.)
銆€銆€3) 閫欐湰鏇歌憲閲嶈珖浜嗕腑鏉辩殑褰㈠嫝銆�(This book focuses on the situation in the Middle East.)
銆€銆€a number of 鐨勬剰鎬濇槸鈥滆ū澶氣€�銆傝珛鐪嬩笅闈㈢殑渚嬪彞锛屾敞鎰廰 number of 鍜宼he number of 鐨勫崁(q奴)鍒ワ細
銆€銆€1) A number of factories have been shut down because of pollution problems.(鐢变簬姹℃煋鍟忛瑷卞宸ュ粻琚棞(gu膩n)闁変簡銆�)
銆€銆€2) A number of students have handed in their application forms.(瑷卞瀛�(xu茅)鐢熼兘閬炰氦浜嗙敵璜嬭〃銆�)
銆€銆€3) The number of students in our school increases every year.(鎴戝€戝(xu茅)鏍$殑瀛�(xu茅)鐢熶汉鏁�(sh霉)姣忓勾閮藉湪澧炲姞銆�)
銆€銆€4) The number of passengers who were injured in the accident is still unknown.(鍦ㄤ簨鏁呬腑鍙楀偡鐨勪箻瀹汉鏁�(sh霉)閭勪笉鐭ラ亾銆�)
銆€銆€2. It is useful to know how these principles work.
銆€銆€it 鍦ㄥ彞涓仛褰㈠紡涓昏獮锛岀湡姝g殑涓昏獮to know how these principles work锛屾椤炵祼(ji茅)妲�(g貌u)鎴戝€戝湪绗竴鍜岀浜屽柈鍏冨凡鏈変簡瑙�銆傝珛鐪嬩笅闈㈢殑鍙ュ瓙锛�
銆€銆€1) It is necessary to learn how to use the computer.(瀛�(xu茅)鏈冨浣曚娇鐢ㄨ▓绠楁寰堟湁蹇呰銆�)
銆€銆€2) It is important to find out why the forest fire broke out.(鎵惧嚭妫灄澶х伀鐨勫師鍥犲緢閲嶈銆�)
銆€銆€3) It is difficult to know what he is thinking about.(瑕佹兂鐭ラ亾浠栧湪鎯充粈涔堝緢鍥伴洠銆�)
銆€銆€work 鍦ㄦ湰鍙ヤ腑鐨勬剰鎬濇槸鈥滆捣浣滅敤;鐢�(ch菐n)鐢熷奖闊库€�锛岃珛缈昏涓嬮潰鐨勫彞瀛愶細
銆€銆€1) The doctor said that the medicine would work.(閱�(y墨)鐢熻钘ユ渻璧蜂綔鐢ㄧ殑銆�)
銆€銆€2) They didn't think his plan would work.(浠栧€戣獚(r猫n)鐐轰粬鐨勮▓鍔冭涓嶉€�銆�)
銆€銆€3) They didn't expect that the teacher's encouragement would work such a change in him.(浠栧€戞矑鏈夋枡鍒拌€佸斧鐨勯紦鍕垫渻浣夸粬鐢�(ch菐n)鐢熷姝よ畩鍖�銆�)
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