來源: 環(huán)球網(wǎng)校 2020-03-04 11:50:46 頻道: 新概念

Jimmy Kimmel Live found itself in hot water after a remark during the Kid’s Table section of the show when one youngster joked about ‘killing everyone in China’ and its network ABC has now apologised。

脫口秀節(jié)目《吉米雞毛秀》的“兒童圓桌會議” 環(huán)節(jié)中一名兒童戲稱要“殺死所有中國人”,這句話使節(jié)目陷入水深火熱的境地之中。目前ABC廣播公司已經(jīng)公開道歉。

相關閱讀:美國脫口秀現(xiàn)“殺光中國人”言論 引萬人請愿>>>

The unscripted remark came during the October 16 segment where the comedian gathers six and seven-year-old children to ask their opinions on the current political and economic issues faced by the United States。


Sitting around a table, with all of the kids dressed in suits, Jimmy asked: ‘America owes a lot of money to China, $1.3 trillion. How should we pay them back?’


One child answered, ‘Kill everyone in China’。


While Kimmel didn’t immediately seem to see a problem with the answer, laughing as he replied, ‘Kill everyone in China? OK that’s an interesting idea,’ it horrified many viewers。


A group called 80-20, a pan-Asian-American political organisation, put together a petition asking President Barack Obama to investigate。


The petition needs 100,000 signatures to go to the president and at the moment has almost 60,000.


It reads: ‘We petition the Obama administration to: Investigate Jimmy Kimmel Kid's Table Government Shutdown Show on ABC Network。

這份請愿書如此寫道:“我們就此事向政府當局請愿:請調(diào)查ABC電視網(wǎng)《吉米雞毛秀》兒童圓桌會議” ‘政府關門’ 主題一集”。

‘The kids might not know anything better. However, Jimmy Kimmel and ABC’s management are adults. They had a choice not to air this racist program, which promotes racial hatred. The program is totally unacceptable and it must be cut. A sincere apology must be issued. ’


ABC quickly responded with a letter of apology. The letter reportedly says, ‘We would never purposefully broadcast anything to upset the Chinese community, Asian community, anyone of Chinese descent or any community at large.’


It was signed by Lisa Berger, an ABC executive vice president who oversees the Jimmy Kimmel Live show, and Tim McNeal, vice president of ABC’s talent development and diversity branch。


The correspondence also revealed the network had removed the comment from all media platforms and promised to edit it out of all future broadcasts of the show。

