每次新聞爆出巨額彩票大獎,都會有不少人羨慕嫉妒恨。前些年在股市一夜暴富的人也一度被很多人嫉妒。誰叫人家運氣好呢?周圍人的態(tài)度咱們先不說,單是這巨額獎金得主本人的反應(yīng)其實就挺讓人好奇的。據(jù)說很多暴富的人都多少有些sudden wealth syndrome呢,你聽說過嗎?
We have seen increasing numbers of people with a cluster of issues and symptoms associated with the stress and anxiety of sudden success or wealth. We have coined the term "Sudden Wealth Syndrome" to describe their shared psychological issues。
The "wealth" part of sudden wealth syndrome has normally been associated with the riches accumulated from dot-com IPOs and the rapid rise of the Nasdaq stock market in the late 90s. However, it also applies to lottery winners, estate heirs, and people whose get-rich-quick schemes actually worked。
Signs of sudden wealth syndrome:
You feel uncomfortably different from your friends and you're afraid to tell them how you feel about your new status。
Being wealthy makes for more guilt than pleasure。
Instead of feeling powerful and decisive, you feel paralyzed and unable to decide how to spend your money。
每次新聞爆出巨額彩票大獎,都會有不少人羨慕嫉妒恨。前些年在股市一夜暴富的人也一度被很多人嫉妒。誰叫人家運氣好呢?周圍人的態(tài)度咱們先不說,單是這巨額獎金得主本人的反應(yīng)其實就挺讓人好奇的。據(jù)說很多暴富的人都多少有些sudden wealth syndrome呢,你聽說過嗎?
We have seen increasing numbers of people with a cluster of issues and symptoms associated with the stress and anxiety of sudden success or wealth. We have coined the term "Sudden Wealth Syndrome" to describe their shared psychological issues。
The "wealth" part of sudden wealth syndrome has normally been associated with the riches accumulated from dot-com IPOs and the rapid rise of the Nasdaq stock market in the late 90s. However, it also applies to lottery winners, estate heirs, and people whose get-rich-quick schemes actually worked。
Signs of sudden wealth syndrome:
You feel uncomfortably different from your friends and you're afraid to tell them how you feel about your new status。
Being wealthy makes for more guilt than pleasure。
You can't stand the envy of friends and acquaintances -- you find yourself becoming more isolated。
You feel like you don't quite deserve the money and you can't believe it's really yours。
You're afraid that you'll lose your money and your good fortune will simply vanish overnight。
Instead of feeling powerful and decisive, you feel paralyzed and unable to decide how to spend your money。